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Related (non-phishing) Publications
Combating Click Fraud via Premium Clicks
Ari Juels, Sid Stamm, Markus Jakobsson. In proceedings of USENIX Security '07
Badvertisements: Stealthy Click-Fraud with Unwitting Accessories
Mona Gandhi, Markus Jakobsson, Jacob Ratkiewicz. Anti-Phishing and Online Fraud, Part I Journal of Digital
Forensic Practice, Volume 1, Special Issue 2, November 2006
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Reliable, Usable Signaling to Defeat Masquerade Attacks
L. Jean Camp. WEIS 2006 (Cambridge, UK) Workshop, 26-28 June 2006.
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Proof of Work Can Work
Debian Liu, L. Jean Camp. WEIS 2006 (Cambridge, UK) Workshop, 26-28 June 2006.
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Security and Morality: A Tale of User Deceit
L. Jean Camp. Models of Trust for the Web MTW'06, Edinburg Scotland. 22 May 2006.
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WRAPS: Denial-of-Service Defense through Web Referrals
X.F. Wang and M. Reiter. Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Symposium on
Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2006.
Denial of Service Attacks and Defenses in Decentralized Trust Management
J. Li, N. Li, X.F. Wang and T. Yu. Proceedings of the second
International Conference on Security and Privacy
in Communication Networks (SecureComm), 2006.
@inproceedings{JWW04, author = {M. Jakobsson and X. Wang and S. Wetzel}, title = {Stealth Attacks in Vehicular Technologies}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2004 Fall (VTC-Fall 2004)}, year = {2004}, publisher = {IEEE} } Hide BibTeX
M. Jakobsson, X. Wang, and S. Wetzel. Invited
Paper. In proceedings of IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conference 2004 Fall (VTC-Fall
2004). IEEE, 2004.
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[ BibTeX ]
Untraceable Email Cluster Bombs: On Agent-Based Distributed
Denial of Service.
M. Jakobsson and F. Menczer. First published
in ;login: The Magazine of the USENIX
Association, Dec. 2003.
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@inproceedings{JWY03, author = {Markus Jakobsson and Susanne Wetzel and Bulent Yener}, title = {Stealth Attacks on Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks}, booktitle = {IEEE VTC '03}, year = {2003} } Hide BibTeX
M. Jakobsson, S. Wetzel, B. Yener. in IEEE VTC
'03, 2003.
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[ BibTeX ]
@misc{JLA03, author = {Markus Jakobsson and John Linn and Joy Algesheimer}, title = {How to Protect Against a Militant Spammer}, howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2003/071}, year = {2003} } Hide BibTeX
M. Jakobsson, J. Linn, and
J. Algesheimer. ePrint Archive. Report
2003/071. 2003.
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[ BibTeX ]
@inproceedings{JR02, author = {Markus Jakobsson and Michael K. Reiter}, title = {Discouraging Software Piracy Using Software Aging}, booktitle = {DRM '01: Revised Papers from the ACM CCS-8 Workshop on Security and Privacy in Digital Rights Management}, year = {2002}, isbn = {3-540-43677-4}, pages = {1--12}, note = {LNCS 2320}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {London, UK}, } Hide BibTeX
M. Jakobsson, M. Reiter. In DRM '01. LNCS
2320. Springer-Verilag, 2002. pp1-12.
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@inproceedings{JW01, author = {Markus Jakobsson and Susanne Wetzel}, title = {Security Weaknesses in Bluetooth}, booktitle = {CT-RSA 2001: Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Topics in Cryptology}, year = {2001}, isbn = {3-540-41898-9}, pages = {176--191}, note = {LNCS 2020}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {London, UK}, } Hide BibTeX
M. Jakobsson and S. Wetzel. In CT-RSA '01.
LNCS 2020. Springer-Verilag, 2001. pp. 176-191.
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@inproceedings{GJMM98, author = {Eran Gabber and Markus Jakobsson and Yossi Matias and Alain J. Mayer}, title = {Curbing Junk E-Mail via Secure Classification}, booktitle = {FC '98: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Financial Cryptography}, year = {1998}, isbn = {3-540-64951-4}, pages = {198--213}, note = {LNCS 1465}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {London, UK}, } Hide BibTeX
E. Gabber, M. Jakobsson, Y. Matias, and
A. Mayer. In Financial Cryptography '98. LNCS
1465. Springer-Verilag, 1998. pp. 198-213.
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