People in the Phishing Group
Core Faculty | |

(click for hi-res photo)
Steven Myers
Assistant Professor, Informatics
web: http://www.informatics.indiana.edu/samyers/
interests: cryptography, phishing, malware and systems security

L. Jean Camp
Associate Professor of Informatics,
Adjunct Associate Professor of Telecommunications

web: http://ljean.com/
interests: human centered computing, human trust behaviors,
social informatics of security

(click for hi-res photo)
Minaxi Gupta
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
web: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~minaxi/
interests: security, computer networks
| Associated Faculty | |

(click for hi-res photo)
Markus Jakobsson
Adjunct Assoc. Professor of Informatics,
Principal Scientist, Palo Alto Research

web: http://www.markus-jakobsson.com
interests: Spear phishing, social
aspects of phishing, server-side
countermeasures, malware and
countermeasures, click-fraud, pharming,
ethical experiments.

Fred H. Cate
Distinguished Professor of Law,
Adjunct Professor of Informatics,
Director of CACR

web: http://www.law.indiana.edu/people/cate/
interests: privacy, security and other
information law issues

Filippo Menczer
Associate Professor of Informatics,
Associate Professor of Computer
web: http://www.informatics.indiana.edu/fil/
interests: Uses and abuses of social networks and
the web

Erik Stolterman
Director, Human-Computer Interaction Design
Professor of Informatics,
Professor of Cognitive Science
web: http://hcid.informatics.indiana.edu/eriksite
interests: novel authentication techniques, security
and usability, design of secure interfaces

Youn-kyung Lim
Assistant Professor of Informatics

web: http://www.informatics.indiana.edu/hcid/faculty/younlim.asp
interests: human-centered interaction design,
prototyping techniques, theories in HCI,
experience-centered design, user perception on
phishing, security and usability

Eli B. Blevis
Assistant Professor of Informatics

web: http://design.informatics.indiana.edu/designii/eli
interests: human-centered interaction design,
sustainability-centered interaction design,
design, collaborative design communities,
HCI and security, sustainability and security,
service learning

Peter Finn
Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences

web: http://www.indiana.edu/~psych/faculty/finn.html
interests: psychological aspects of phishing and malware attacks, ethics of
phishing experiments.

XiaoFeng Wang
Assistant Professor of Informatics

web: http://www.informatics.indiana.edu/xw7/
interests: malware and countermeasures, denial of service

Sukamol Srikwan
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Informatics

web: http://mypage.iu.edu/~sjakobss
interests: conservation biology, both with theoritical and
practical approaches, internet security education
| Visiting Researchers | |

Zhuowei Li

web: http://mypage.iu.edu/~zholi
interests: Malware/Botnet/Worm Detection and
Signature Generation, Intrusion
Detection, Anomaly Detection, System/Resource
Behavior Profiling
| Students | |

Jacob Ratkiewicz
Ph.D. Student, Computer Science
web: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~jpr
interests: web and text mining, social engineering, phishing, search, information retrieval

Ruj Akavipat
Ph.D. Student, Computer Science
web: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~rakavipa

Chris Soghoian
Ph.D. Student, Security Informatics


Farzaneh Agsharpour
M.S. Student, HCID/Cybersecurity Informatics

interests: phishing, preventing online identity
theft, network security, design and
usability aspects of security

Ankur K. Shah
M.S. Student, Computer Science

interests: social phishing, data mining,
cryptography, pervasive computing

(click for hi-res photo)
Nathaniel A. Johnson
M.S. Computer Science (2005)
web: http://natejohnson.us
interests: phishing, social network, social
engineering, data mining, security, cryptography

Andrew Dingman

web: https://andrew.dingman.org
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