Other Groups and Researchers
Research Groups |

The Center for Education and
Research in Information Assurance
and Security
institution: Purdue University
web: http://www.cerias.purdue.edu
The mission of CERIAS is to advance the
knowledge and practice of information assurance and security
through the performance of world-class research, the delivery of
the highest quality education, and by serving as an unbiased
source of information locally, nationally, and internationally.

Stanford Security Laboratory
institution: Stanford University
web: http://theory.stanford.edu/seclab/
The Security Lab is a part of the Computer
Science Department at Stanford University. Research projects
in the group focus on various aspects of network and computer

The MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
web: http://www.csail.mit.edu/index.php
The MIT Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory was formed on July 1st,
2003. It is an interdepartmental laboratory which includes
faculty from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Mathematics, Brain and Cognitive Science, Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Ocean Engineering, the Biological Engineering
Division and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and
Technology. CSAIL is also the home of the World Wide Web

CMU Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory
institution: Carnegie Mellon University
web: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu
CUPS was established in the Spring of 2004
to bring together Carnegie Mellon University researchers
working on a diverse set of projects related to understanding
and improving the usability of privacy and security software
and systems.
Institute for Security Technology Studies
institution: Dartmouth College
web: http://ists.dartmouth.edu/
The Institute for Security Technology Studies (ISTS) at Dartmouth College is dedicated to pursuing interdisciplinary research and education for cyber security and emergency response technology.
AntiPhishing Group at Dept. of CS, City University of Hong Kong
institution: City University of Hong Kong
web: http://antiphishing.cs.cityu.edu.hk
The Anti-Phishing Group of City University of Hong Kong have been
actively developing methodologies and software
platform in fighting against phishing attacks,
with both academic research funding and local
industry sponsorship. Our recent research has
focused on detecting phishing from both visual
and semantic similarity assessment on graphic
and text levels. Effort has also been made with
local industry in an anti-phising system

RSA Laboratories
institution: RSA Security
web: http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2016
An academic environment within a commercial organization, RSA
Laboratories is the research center of RSA Security
Inc., the company founded by the inventors of the
RSA public-key cryptosystem. Through its research
program, standards development, and educational
activities, RSA Laboratories provides
state-of-the-art expertise in cryptography and
security technology for the benefit of RSA Security
and its customers.

institution: RavenWhite, Inc.
web: http://www.ravenwhite.com
RavenWhite's mission is to secure Web browsing environments without
burdening ordinary users. Phishing, pharming, and
other forms of on-line identity theft are growing
menaces to e-commerce. RavenWhite is rising to the
challenge with a new breed of silent tools in the
arsenal against online identity theft
| Individuals |

Ronald L. Rivest
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Professor of EECS,
Founder, RSA Security
institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
email: <rivest (at) mit (dot) edu>
web: http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~rivest/
interests: cryptography, computer and network
security, electronic voting, and algorithms

Rob Miller
Associate Professor of EECS,
Leader, UI Design Grp, CSAIL
institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
email: <rcm (at) mit (dot) edu>
web: http://people.csail.mit.edu/rcm/
interests: usable automation, end-user
programming, usable security,
human-computer interaction, and user
Zulfikar Ramzan
Sr. Principal Security Researcher
Advanced Threat Research
institution: Symantec
web: http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/
interests: practical and theoretical aspects of information security and cryptography
| Trade Groups |

The Anti-Phishing Working Group
web: http://www.apwg.com
Committed to wiping out Internet scams and fraud

The Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection
web: http://www.thei3p.org/
The I3P is a Consortium that includes academic institutions,
federally-funded labs and non-profit
organizations. With a nationwide membership that
continues to grow, the I3P brings experts together to
identify and help mitigate threats aimed at the
U.S. information infrastructure.

Communications Fraud Control Association
web: http://www.cfca.org
CFCA is the Premier International Association for revenue assurance,
loss prevention and fraud control through education and
information. Chartered in 1985.
eFraud Network

Center for Identity Management and Information Protection
institution: Utica College
web: http://www.utica.edu/academic/institutes/cimip/
Utica College's Center for Identity Management and Information
Protection is a research collaborative dedicated to
furthering a national research agenda on identity
management, information sharing, and data
protection. Founded in June 2006, its ultimate goal is
to impact policy, regulation, and legislation, working
toward a more secure homeland.
International Identity Theft Technology Council
web: http://www.hsarpacyber.com/ittc.html
The DHS-SRI International Identity Theft Technology Council (ITTC) is
a working forum where experts and leaders from the
government, private, financial, IT, venture capitalist,
and academia and science sectors come together to
address the problem of identity theft and related
criminal activity on the Internet.
| Government Agencies |

Secure Florida organization
web: http://www.secureflorida.org/
We protect the citizens and economy of Florida by safeguarding our
information systems, reducing our
vulnerability to cyber attacks, and
increasing our responsiveness to any
National White Collar Crime Center
web: http://www.nw3c.org
The mission of NW3C is to provide a nationwide support system for
agencies involved in the prevention,
investigation, and prosecution of
economic and high-tech crimes and to
support and partner with other
appropriate entities in addressing
homeland security initiatives, as they
relate to economic and high-tech
| Commercial Services |

Phishing Protection
web: https://www.phishprotection.com
Advanced Phishing Protection and Anti-Phishing Solution for Your Small Business.
A cloud-based, integrated, email protection suite that stops phishing, malware, spam and spoofing without installing any expensive anti-phishing tools.
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